MOR-2lcsr is a system of the topmost layer of rail traffic control, which allows remote control and directing of rail traffic from the section control room which is a part of remote traffic management.
MOR-2lcsr is designed for remote railway traffic control for railway lines and other areas such as branch lines or sidings.
System provides the following functions:
- controlling base layer devices (dependencies) at remote-controlled stations;
- announcing trains on tangential routes;
- support of traffic management and supervision in the area of Remote Traffic Management, including:
- visualization of train numbers and train tracking;
- displaying and entering of the timetable;
- train traffic registration;
- dispatch control;
- electronic announcement of trains and communication between train dispatchers;
The main program modules of the MOR 2lcsr system are:
- Central Operator Station(CSO);
- Central Traffic Processor (CPR);
- Tangential Stations Terminal (TSS);
- Technical Terminal (TT);
- Control Area Mapping Module (ZOS);
- Communication Server (SKOM);
- Communication Manager (MKOM);
- Level Crossing Operator's Terminal (TDP);
- Dispatch Supervision Terminal (TND);
- Electronic Traffic Journal (EDR).
MOR-2lcsr is ready to cooperate with the Operational Work Registration System (pl. SEPE- System Ewidencji Pracy Eksploatacyjnej) by downloading timetable data and uploading information about the current railway traffic situation. Collected data are presented in a graphical form.